

Finally some snow in Toronto

Saturday I attended a Colloquium at Victoria College and decided to take some pictures around. I come out so seldom that had not realized snow had gradually accumulated, especially in the past two days.

The place I live in has a subway station downstairs and OISE, at University of Toronto, has a subway station entrance at the basement too, how convenient is that for a person from the tropics, eh?!?



For Horacio

Hi Horacio,

Here is the information you asked me about. Log in to Blogger by clicking on the orange icon on the upper left corner. Write the username and password (if using old version) or gmail address and password (if using updated new version) . Go to the section "edit my profile" on the right and in the area where it says "photo URL", paste this code:

Don´t forget to click on "save" at the very end of the page to save and update your profile.
I also even opened a site for you. There you will see your photo in the profile section: http://horaciovenezuela.blogspot.com/
Good luck, I hope it works, cariños, Berta



Slideshare ... trying it at Blogger

Craig, a friend from WOP, has recommended Slideshare to publish ppt presentations on blogs. I could not manage to do it in Wordpress but will try with Blogger right now to check if it works and later with Motime.

This is a presentation about Brain-based learning I gave at Ventesol 2005 in Maracaibo, Venezuela. Please give me the deserved credit if you ever use it in front of an audience or class. Thanks.



I Didn't Know You Could Do That with Free Web Tools

I found this Wiki by Alan Levine, where he gives ideas on adding notes inside flickr photos (thus creating a potential pictionary), drawing with Gliffy and using Slideshare.

This picture was taken by Teacher Dude in Greece, and he made it into a sort of pictionary here using flickr.



Mindmapping ...

I have been using Mindmanager for some time now, especially in my graduate courses. It was always hard to require students to buy the program so I used to lend mine for educational purposes only. Some of them show initial resistance to adapt to this way of summarizing and visualizing information, but I have had great surprises later on when I have seen some of their work in the following courses where they decide to mindmap on their own!!!
I am glad to find there is a page where one can download FREEMIND for free. These are some of the uses listed in its Wiki:

1) Keeping track of projects, including subtasks, state of subtasks and time recording
2) Project workplace, including links to necessary files, executables, source of information and of course information
3) Workplace for internet research using Google and other sources
4) Keeping a collection of small or middle sized notes with links on some area which expands as needed. Such a collection of notes is sometimes called knowledge base.
5) Essay writing and brainstorming, using colors to show which essays are open, completed, not yet started etc, using size of nodes to indicate size of essays. I don't have one map for one essay, I have one map for all essays. I move parts of some essays to other when it seems appropriate.
6) Keeping a small database of something with structure that is either very dynamic or not known in advance. The main disadvantage of such approach when compared to traditional database applications are poor query possibilities, but I use it that way anyway - contacts, recipes, medical records etc. You learn about the structure from the additional data items you enter. For example, different medical records use different structure and you do not have to analyze all the possible structures before you enter the first medical record.
7) Commented internet favorites or bookmarks, with colors and fonts having the meaning you want.

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